All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required
Which best describes you? (Select all that apply)
What is the zip code of your residence?
What are the main reasons you travel along/across Nicollet Avenue? (Select all that apply)
How often do you travel along/across Nicollet Avenue?
How do you travel along/across Nicollet Avenue? Rank each option from most common (1) to least common (5)
How would you prefer to travel along/across Nicollet Avenue? Please select your top 3.
What improvements would you like to see on Nicollet Avenue? Please select your top 3.
The following are the preliminary project goals. Please rate the importance of each goal to you with 1 being not at all important and 5 being very important.
What other goals should this project include?
How satisfied are you with your current experience along Nicollet Avenue?
How likely are you to use Nicollet Avenue once new improvements are added?
What other comments do you have for improving Nicollet Avenue?
Sharing your information on gender, age, and race/ethnicity helps us to make sure we are engaging with people who are representative of the community.
What is your age?
Which gender best describes you? (Select all that apply)
What is your race/ethnicity? (Select all that apply)