Lyndale Avenue South reconstruction

Help us design the future Lyndale Avenue South

Whoever you are and however you use Lyndale Avenue, now is the perfect time to tell us what you think it should look like. We have spent a year hearing about how you move around the area and taking feedback on features you would like to see when it is reconstructed. Now we are ready to discuss some of those features and how they would change the corridor.

We are working to build a Lyndale Avenue for today and tomorrow. We have extended our design phase. So now through 2026, we will plan for the permanent redesign of Lyndale Avenue between Franklin Avenue and 31st Street, from sidewalk to sidewalk, with construction beginning in 2027. This work includes streetlights, curbs, signals, sidewalks, pavement, underground utility work, and more.

We will include your input -- along with city and county plans, technical needs and feasibility -- as we make design decisions in the months ahead.

Help us design the future Lyndale Avenue South

Whoever you are and however you use Lyndale Avenue, now is the perfect time to tell us what you think it should look like. We have spent a year hearing about how you move around the area and taking feedback on features you would like to see when it is reconstructed. Now we are ready to discuss some of those features and how they would change the corridor.

We are working to build a Lyndale Avenue for today and tomorrow. We have extended our design phase. So now through 2026, we will plan for the permanent redesign of Lyndale Avenue between Franklin Avenue and 31st Street, from sidewalk to sidewalk, with construction beginning in 2027. This work includes streetlights, curbs, signals, sidewalks, pavement, underground utility work, and more.

We will include your input -- along with city and county plans, technical needs and feasibility -- as we make design decisions in the months ahead.

  • Phase 2: Roadway design elements

    Through our first phase of engagement, we gathered feedback through more than 8,600 points of contact with the public. We used that feedback, as well as policies, plans, and technical information, to evaluate potential roadway elements for the community to provide input on.

    Now through July 31, we plan to collect your feedback on section concepts, snapshots of what the corridor could look like with different roadway elements. Your input will help us move toward full corridor layout alternatives that we will bring to the public for additional review late this fall.

  • An update on the project's next steps

    Last fall, we engaged people who live, work and play along Lyndale Avenue South about the upcoming reconstruction project. The community showed great interest in this project. In total, we had more than 8,600 points of contact with the community through our combined efforts, including 1,300 in-person interactions.

    We heard you and your thoughts about how to improve the corridor. Your feedback is helping guide our work as we put the finishing touches on initial design concepts for the corridor. Given the robust amount of feedback, we are taking some additional time as we work to balance your feedback with other engineering considerations.

    Look for these design concepts and your opportunity to provide feedback this spring.

Page last updated: 11 Sep 2024, 12:45 PM