Zero Waste Plan finalized

Hennepin County has finalized its Zero Waste Plan (PDF), concluding the 1.5 year long process that resulted in 62 actions to advance a zero-waste future.

The actions were developed with extensive public feedback from more than 1,800 participants. A huge thank you to all that gave their time and input to create and improve the plan.

The county’s waste reduction and recycling staff are now shifting to implementation of the plan’s actions. The county is also preparing to develop the next solid waste management plan. The Zero Waste Plan will serve as the foundation of the county’s solid waste management plan, which will likely be considered for board approval in 2024.

Next steps

Shifting to implementation

The county’s waste reduction and recycling staff are shifting to implementation.

We recently launched the Apartment Recycling Champions program, expanded education and outreach, and hired a food waste prevention specialist to establish a food waste reduction target and a plan to eliminate food waste.

We are planning for additional resources in the 2024 budget process. That request will support resources for new initiatives to address plastics and collection of hard-to-recycle materials, increase assistance to community groups, businesses, multifamily properties and schools, and increase enforcement of the county's food waste and recycling requirements.

Preparing the 2024 solid waste management plan

We are also preparing to develop the next solid waste management plan. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has released its draft Metropolitan Solid Waste Management Policy Plan. Comments are being accepted through August 31, 2023.

Once the state policy plan is finalized, the county will have nine months to complete its solid waste management plan to meet the state’s policy objectives. The Zero Waste Plan will serve as the foundation of the county’s solid waste management plan, which will be considered for board approval in 2024.

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