Zero-waste plan community engagement partners
Eighteen community groups have been selected to receive funding to support community engagement with the county’s plan to reach a zero-waste future. These groups will be responsible for providing input on engagement plans for their communities, hosting engagement sessions, and communicating updates to their members on the process and feedback opportunities. As a cohort, these groups will work together to gain a broader understanding of the solid waste system, develop community-identified solutions, and define themes for use in the subsequent plan development phase.
Action to Equity
Audubon Neighborhood Association
Center for Hmong Arts and Talent
Climate Generation/Youth Environmental Activists of Minnesota (YEA! MN)
Community Power
Congregations Caring for Creation
Eastside Neighborhood Services
Ebenezer Oromo Evangelical Church
Encouraging Leaders
Lao Assistance Center of Minnesota
Little Earth Protectors
McKinley Community
MN Renewable Now
NoMi Roots
Off The Blue Couch
Somali American Women Action Center
Resilient Cities and Communities with Inquilinxs Unidxs por Justicia
Thai Cultural Council of Minnesota