Comment on the draft Zero Waste Plan

Provide comments on the draft Zero Waste Plan by March 20

The draft Zero Waste Plan (PDF) is now available for the public to review. Provide comments in the following ways:

Take the survey

The survey walks through the plan’s goal, aims, and key actions, gathers feedback on level of support for these items, and provides opportunities to offer specific feedback.

Take the survey

Attend an online community meeting

Thursday, March 9 at 6:30 p.m.

At the meeting, county staff and the consultant that helped develop the plan will briefly present the plan’s goal, aims and key actions proposed.

Participants will then have the opportunity to provide feedback on their level of support on the aims and actions in the plan. Participants will also be able to ask questions of the presenters and make verbal or written comments.

Watch the meeting recording (YouTube).

Share ideas and get questions answered online

Join the conversation and provide input at your convenience. You can post ideas or ask questions that will be answered by Zero Waste Team.

Next steps

We welcome your thoughts on the plan. Comments submitted by March 20 will be considered by the Zero Waste Plan team as the plan is finalized. In addition, a summary of the survey and verbatim comments will be shared with commissioners and back to the public when the final plan is shared with commissioners.

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